Church in the Park

September 8th | 10:00 AM

You're Invited!

Come spend the morning with us in the park worshipping through music, teaching, and baptisms, followed by fun with food trucks and activities for kids. Scroll down for more information and FAQs about the event!

Event Information

Date and Time:
September 8th at 10:00 AM

Veterans Park Ampitheater
250 Cliff Park Road
Springfield, OH 45504


Q: Do I need to bring anything?
A: Please bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on. There will be some paved areas and chairs available for handicapped seating.

Q: Will there be handicapped accessible parking?
A: There will be designated handicapped, Shine, and expectant mothers parking. Please enter the park from Fountain Avenue (by the Springfield Museum of Art) and the parking team will direct you to accessible parking.

Q: Will there be food?
A: There will be food trucks! Feel free to pack a lunch if you would like, but there are options to purchase a lunch.

Q: Will there be activities for kids?
A: There will be plenty of activities for kids such as facepainting, balloon animals, inflatables, and more! However, please be aware there will be no kids classes or programming.

Q: How do I sign up to be baptized at Church in the Park?
A: We would love to discuss this next step with you! Please click the button below to sign up.