About Us

Our Values

At Heritage Fellowship Church, we value to KNOW the gospel, to GROW in grace, and to GO into the world with the gospel.

The Great Commission is the mission of every church. In Matthew 28:19-21, Jesus states that we are to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”

To KNOW the gospel is the foundation of our church, so we preach the gospel every week. We don’t need helpful tips on how to have a better life, we need the life-saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

To GROW in grace means that we welcome everyone to a seat at the table, understanding that we are all sinners in need of God's grace. Our love for each other and the Lord will be our loudest witness to the world (John 13:35). The church should be the first place people run. We want to be an INN and INFIRMARY for those who are sick and in need of being made well.

To GO means we respond to the grace given to us. We seek the wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit to take this message of grace to our city, state, country, and the world.

Our History

Heritage Fellowship Church began in 1993 with a Bible study that met every Thursday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howell. This small Bible study grew to 38 people, and soon, they began to feel the Lord’s calling to start a church. HFC had its first Sunday service on January 2, 1994, with 88 people in attendance. Meeting in Rockway School, just a few miles east of the current building, Heritage Fellowship Church was first pastored by Dave Drullinger, a professor at Cedarville University.

Our Beliefs

The Bible is the complete, written word of God, sixty-six books in the Old and New Testaments, verbally inspired in all parts, and thereby wholly without error in the original manuscripts. It is to be interpreted and understood in terms of a literal, historical-grammatical approach.

Our Team

Pastor Ken Winter

Lead Teaching Pastor

Pastor Dave Lynden

Administrative Pastor

Pastor Jake Russo

Youth Pastor

Pastor Jason Lee

Discipleship Pastor

Johnna Hansher

Children's Director

John Chilcote

Worship Director

Chris Cummins

Production Director

Carolyn Baney

Administrative Assistant

Wendy Snyder


Bryan Winter

Facilities Manager

Trevor Bonsell


Troy Ferryman


Seth Jones


Jason Messer


John Simkins


Brian Solomon


David Wiseman
